The Egyptians used pestle and mortar to mix ingredients for cosmetic purposes. This one in particular, has a small size which suggests it was used to prepared small amounts of cosmetics or expensive luxury goods.
Kohl tube, in glass.
Glass. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reigns of Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III (1425-1353 BC). Deir el-Medina, Tomb of Kha. This glass bottle is an exemplar kind of tube used to preserve kohl.
Kohl container, faience
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty (1539-1292 BC). This is kind of kohl container of the same period of the other objects but of unknown provenance.
Kohl container with applicator, in wood and bone
Deir el-Medina, Tomb of Kha. The kohl applicator was usually made of wood. The applicator can be considered as the last step in the kohl "life-cycle." After the production and conservation it wa sfinally applied on either men or women face.
Mirror with handle in the shape of a lotus flower, in bronze and wood
A mirror, together with the applicator, represents the last passage of the application of the kohl (and of the kohl life-cycle).
Eye of Horus
Amulet depicting the udjat eye. Faience. New Kingdom - Ptolemaic Period (1539-30 BC).
Funerary mask of Merit, in linen, stucco, gold leaf and glass
The Merit mask is an example of how khol was effectively applied by Egyptians.
Cosmetic jar, in Glass
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, second half, ca. 1500-1400 BC.Drovetti collection (1824)
Cosmetic container
Box (number 1) with Kha and Merit depicted
Kha and Merit receiving offerings from one of their sons, Nekhetef. Familiar and sacral scenes were the most common pictures on cosmetic boxes.
Box (number 2) with Kha and Merit depicted
Kha and his wife receiving offerings from their son, Nakhttaneb are the subject of this other type of cosmetic box.
Cosmetic palette, in greywacke
Graywacke. Protodynastic Period. Even if it is elder than the other, its significative for cosmetics where applied thanks to it.
Kha's Book of the Dead, Cyperus papyrus
Thi scene of the book of the Dead shows how important was cosmetics for Egyptians.